Professional status of the head of company

Does your spouse work with you and you are concerned about his / her status and the protection of your estate?

Your business has evolved and your status or that of the company is no longer suitable?

Do you want to create or take over a business and you have to make a choice of legal status that will affect your remuneration, right to retirement, personal taxation?

What Garance Audit can do for you

We can analyse your individual legal status and that of your company, then we can advise you to modify it if necessary according to your objectives in the short and medium term.

Why Choose Garance Audit?

  • We carry out practical materialized simulations, that we present in the format of a report, which also provides you with our recommendations.
  • We accompany you permanently on all decisions relating to your professional status.

For you, as a company manager, and for your objectives, this provides optimisation and peace of mind.

Because your choices have significant short, medium, and long-term consequences, nothing should be left to chance.